Wim Hof Method through my soul

So today there will be the small story of my life, a girl likewise small in stature (157 cm). But even though the box is small, bombs are kept within! (laughter)

Already being in my mother’s belly, my life was in danger, I was not supposed to be born, but one day a newborn bird, just a chick, fell on my mother’s balcony and my mother made a wish, if she cares for the little bird and nurtures it, then I will be born.

Mother more than anything in the world wanted a girl, but the doctors all said that it would be a boy until the very last moment.

And then I was born.

The little bird also survived and turned into a beautiful and fluffy pigeon. I could of course not let bird-kind down, as my soul apparently was connected with birds, so in the maternity ward at the hospital I screamed the loudest of all in an absolutely adult voice. This is how my destiny was determined – to be a singer and bring healing to humanity through sound.

As a child, in winter, my mother put the stroller on a balcony, in frost and snow, while I slept peacefully for hours and hours while snowflakes descended on my red cheeks.

I didn’t grow up in a full family. Mother divorced my father and my father decided to leave and not help me in any way.

Mom gave me everything, yet money was not always enough and sometimes we went hungry. But she brought me up to believe in the Creator, the Universe and to the kind of schooling given in the past to noble girls, when girls were taught to be kind, open and too honest. I made many mistakes in life until I learned that sometimes you need to take steps more carefully and not to be too naive, although I am still somewhat naive. (laughs)

I have always been cheerful and am very grateful to God that even now I have no evil or grievance in my heart. And though I am now what is referred to as an adult, I am most certainly still a child at heart. I am curious, often amazed what the world brings before me and I truly want to breathe deeply all the impression bestowed upon me by the universe around me and within me.

I followed the path of music. First music school, then college, then art university, where I received my diploma as an opera singer and vocal teacher. But I had no idea that in the future I would be so privileged that I would be able to help people almost like a doctor.

Doctors do things differently of course, but fact is that I discovered the potential of an energy healer in myself, through my voice, how my sound affects people, how my energy makes their day better and how, when listening, people become a little bit happier than they were a minute ago.

This gives me boundless happiness. A reason greatly worth living and singing for and an understanding that I was not born in vain.

How did it happen?

It took a while certainly, but I diligently kept on going.

First of all, I started with sports. I have been very actively engaged in physical exercises for five years now. I constantly experiment with the body, refused to eat, drank peroxide, soda and other austerities. I studied the effect of food on the body, since I used to be constantly sick and rather weak in health. During the period of my studies at the university doctors even discovered heart problems in me, simply due to stress.

All my life up until I started upon this path, I had lived in fear, was tormented by complexes and constantly obstructed myself. I did not understand how this affected in the fullest sense all my life as a whole. So I was sick often, but I always wanted to raise my immune system and on the path I then took, starting as I said with work-out and sports, I finally found the way to do so.

I have always been interested in esoteric literature, spiritual practices, mysticism, meditation, etc.. but I did not understand the depth of such things, until I met my teacher, friend and spiritual mentor a year and a half ago.

He opens people’s eyes to what problems there are, can feel spiritual wounds and shows the seeker a path of healing. He works with singers and speakers and anyone seeking guidance and mentoring. He fosters a conscious being in the student and teaches people to live in harmony with themselves.
For anyone interested, he can be contacted here:

Ronnie Karlsson improved my qualifications as they do not teach anywhere else, by helping me accept myself, opening my eyes to my fears and giving me strong motivation to rid myself of them! I became unwilling to live in the past or the future and these fear-loaded states began to have very little influence on me. Only the present moment matters. In the present exists both past and future, but they are not central and we are not controlled by them. As my mentor says, fear blocks all possibilities.

This altering on a fundamental level of my life structure, had such an impact that it gave me great faith in myself, it showed me my inner strength and the fact that I can give people joy.

Thusly my past suffering was used to consciously heal myself in the now.

Just recently, about three months ago, I received a gift from my mentor – the book The Wim Hof ​​Method. And when I read it, I realized that this is exactly what I was looking for. A spiritual path achieved through a deeper knowledge of the physical body.

Since our body and soul are inextricably linked, I wanted to find a way how to always be energetic never get sick and to give to other people a positive and deep motivation to make their own life better!

We are all Gods! We just have to study ourselves, our body, all the little peculiarities within us, in order to understand this! It’s difficult without people who believe in you, therefore, dear reader, I want to say: I believe in each of you! If I can do it, so can you!

To whoever is open and dares to feel: You are unique! You can do everything and anything! We all have unlimited potential!!

Just look at me, I had a heart defect, yet it does not bother me anymore. I go into the cold and I am not afraid of it! Even in -22 degrees, I go outside to lie in the snow!

I also recently was sick with some kind of virus, I did not do any tests, but I lost my smell and was three days with fever. I endured it on my feet by abstaining from food, i.e. fasting, by practice of the Wim Hof Method and by physical exercise. I stayed by myself but also took good care of myself and within a few days I was again as fit as a fiddle.

It must be understood that in my current daily regime, I plow through like an ox. Everyday I get up at 4-5 in the morning, do breathing practices according to the Wim Hof ​​Method, do a set of physical exercises and pranayamas and take a cold shower/cold bath. I always watch my food and sleep, because my own health is of greatest value to me!

Our body is our temple and we should nurture and care for it always. And it is thanks to my health that I can sing and have the Qi energy to create things and bring joy and healing to people!

I practice a mostly vegetarian diet at the moment, sometimes still eating eggs, but as I am constantly learning more about healthy and natural nutrition, this will eventually change.

Ask yourself the question and be honest with yourself: How do I want to live?

Many people close to me, seeing by my example have begun to make changes for the better, in their lives as well. Many virtual friends, seeing my daily videos about the Wim Hof ​​Method have gone out and bought his book. Others were simply inspired and immediately began doing something to better their life quality as well.

Are you choosing to stay idle? Asleep in life. Depressed. Then you’re a masochist and you must love it. Laziness, an over-absorption of food, refusal to leave your comfort zones… Because the house is warm, why go into the cold?!

I am strongly against this kind of reasoning! It is detrimental to both mind and body! And I know the effects of this kind of idleness firsthand.

I stand for the conscious risk, exploration and conquest of my own mountain in order to educate my spirit, get rid of vices and have the right to be called, in it’s proper meaning, a self-aware human being.

Becoming increasingly conscious of my own self and practicing the Wim Hof Method, I am filled with the realization that I can help others by my example. As well as how important it is in today’s now to live with an open heart and soul and understand that we are not here for war, envy, contest, sadness and anger, but for love, friendship, openness, kindness and immeasurable joy.

Completely open and full of life, like children.

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